Everything you need to know about effective website planning
It’s absolutely impossible to have any real success in the world of business without creating an effective website and online presence that connects you to the global markets.
Sure, you might be able to squeak out a living with a local mom and pop shop that has no real advertising presence on the Internet, but you’re never going to be able to build the kind of financial freedom you’ve always dreamed with this type of approach.
This is why most every business on the planet can be found on the Internet in some way, shape, or form. Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of those businesses haven’t thought out their website planning all that much and their cash register and bank account are paying the price because of it!
To help you create a website that builds business faster than you ever would have thought possible with wood together this quick guide.
Who is your website for?
The very first thing you have to think about (and something that you need to focus on more Dan absolutely anything else) is not what your website is going to look like or how you’re going to handle your search engine marketing, but instead the most critical component of all business success – who are you trying to reach to sell your products and services to in the first place.
Without knowing EXACTLY who your ideal prospect (and it’s even better if you know who your ideal paying customer is) you’re never going to be able to succeed with real website planning that makes a difference.
Understand your perfect customer first and every other website design and development decision becomes almost automatic.
Why does your website exist?
The second thing you have to focus on (and something that a lot of people ignore or overlook) is understanding exactly why your website has to exist in the first place.
If your reasoning is “just because everyone else is doing it” you aren’t going to have any success at all!
Some businesses are going to need to build a website to sell their products as it acts as the number one – and sometimes the only – point of contact customers have with a business to begin with. Other operations are going to need to build informational style websites that share their message with potential partners. And the list goes on and on.
At the end of the day, you need to do everything you can to build your business website with a very specific focus. Custom tailor the design and development to your ideal prospect and your ideal intended outcome and you’ll be on the fast track to success!